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Write On Fundraising Masterclass
Fundraising Masterclass
Turning Friends & Followers Into Donors (50:36)
How to Actually Make Money at Special Events (54:10)
Writing Winning Grant Applications (75:21)
Tapping Into Donor Motivation (26:16)
Preparing for a Capital Campaign (55:30)
Building a Board That Will Fundraise (39:03)
Mining for Donor Gold in Your Data (48:03)
Securing Corporate Funding (56:25)
Fundraising in a Crisis (65:10)
End-of-Year Fundraising Appeal Tips & Tricks (37:12)
Fundraising Planning for 2022 (66:02)
Measuring Program Success for NPOs (63:55)
Retaining & Engaging Your Donors (56:26)
Getting Started with Government Grants (59:24)
Bonus Content
6 Reasons Why Good Fundraisers Leave Non-Profits (11:58)
COVID Update | Volunteer Programs in a Pandemic with Alison Anthony (7:39)
Foundation Giving in 2021 (5:54)
Relationship Building with Foundations | Cultivating in a Pandemic (1:04)
Volunteer Appreciation in the time of COVID with Glenna Greer (15:49)
philanthrOK: Retrospect | Donor Cultivation with Meagan Gaddis (67:26)
Why I Volunteer (4:39)
How to Cultivate Planned Gifts (1:14)
How Can You Develop Your Career? | Finding a Mentor (1:25)
philanthrOK: Retrospect with Special Guests from the Mom Panel (62:48)
How can Nonprofits Provide Tangible Non-Monetary Benefits to Employees (1:41)
philanthrOK: Retrospect with Special Guests from the Hille Foundation (50:35)
Nonprofit Fiscal Health Update: March 2021 (8:09)
Volunteer Appreciation in the time of COVID with Glenna Greer
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